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Enjoying mathematics, one activity at a time

Author: Scolab | Publish on September 22, 2016

Let’s face it, mathematics is often the least favourite subject at school. Grasping a new concept, putting it into practice, understanding and integrating it, and then reusing that knowledge can sometimes be a long and arduous journey for students. With Buzzmath, we are aiming to make them love mathematics, one activity at a time.

Just missing one step in the process can generate frustration and misunderstanding which can lead to disenchantment. The less we enjoy a subject, the less we invest. Without fun, learning is difficult. And because the challenges are diverse and vary from one student to another, making sure each individual student understands each step of the process takes time.

Guiding students step by step in their learning and conveying the love of math are real challenges for teachers. Together, let’s explore the different types of content offered on Buzzmath which can help you in this complex mission.


Interact with a new mathematical concept to observe and understand. The explorations are activities that you can use to help support a topic or put it into practice.


Understand a concept based on a step by step discovery. Demonstrations are bit-by-bit mathematical animations suited to the pace of each student. Quick tip: engage your students by asking them what’s the next step!


Complete exercises with the assistance of dynamic elements, drawings and various configuration manipulations for greater immersion. Rapid and practical, the activities allow you to review, practice and acquire mathematical knowledge. They cover the entire curriculum for each grade level, which is represented by a book in the Buzzmath menu. Each activity offers examples and detailed solutions to the given problems. The student can repeat the exercise as many times as is necessary to help them understand how to arrive at the correct answer.

Riddles and puzzles

Have fun! With your students solve mathematical riddles and puzzles accessible from the menu. A reward for completing a series of activities?

The BuzzLab missions

Stimulate and motivate through thrilling adventures in the footsteps of the greatest mathematicians of the past 2000 years. Students complete fun activities by solving more complex problems which link the history of mathematics to the one of Buzzmath. Their mission? To replicate mathematical knowledge so as to restore BuzzCity!

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